12 pubs time again - Friday 15th December, route below.
I've used a mail list from a previous crawl so I'm sure theres plenty of
new people who might be interested, so pass it on.
And half the people on this list have probably left already so we need
the new blood......
1. LONGS ----- 3.15
2. CISS MADDENS ----- 3.45
3. McCLOSKEYS ----- 4.15
4. O'BRIENS ----- 5.00
5. WELLINGTON ----- 5.45
6. PADDY FLAHERTYS (51)----- 6.15
7. SMYTHS ----- 7.00
8. LARRY MURPHYS ----- 7.45
9. TONERS ----- 8.30
10. O'DONOGHUES ----- 9.15
11. HARTIGANS ----- 10.00
12. COPPERS ----- 10.45

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